Invites You To An Information Session On:
Vancouver / Victoria Terminal Class “C” Airspace
The presentation will highlight the following topics:
1. A general overview of the airspace including IFR traffic flows
2. Ideal locations for pilots to make initial transmissions to Vancouver/Victoria Terminal for entry into the Terminal Class C Airspace
3. Published Transit Routes and other routings to be expected in the Terminal Class C Airspace
A question and answer period will follow the presentation.
Web attendees please remember that audio portion is done over regular phone lines so you must dial in as well as access the web link.
When: May 30, 2013 1900-2100 PDT
Please register by contacting Tom Waldron by May 25.
All the information you need to join is below.
Step 1: Dial-In
U.S. & Canada: 800.747.5150
Access Code: 5984841
Step 2: Web Login