NFC does the San Juan Islands 2014

Friday – Saturday – Sunday      April 25 – 27th 2014

We know it’s a bit of a pain crossing the border these days… the sticker, EAPIS and Customs. But sadly, it’s here to stay. But it’s a lost opportunity not to visit a great part of the world. So, let’s just deal with the inconvenience.

Even if you’re getting on this a bit late, it can be done within 24hrs. You don’t actuially have to have the sticker, just proof of payment.

Unsure about the process? Want a little help with the procedural requirements? We’ll walk you through it. Call Andrea: 250-713-6213

Now… on to the good part…

It’s a 3 day dealie, and you choose if you want to go for 1, 2 or all 3 days. KFHR is so close it’s even easy to do for a day trip if you want.

The group will base Friday Harbour, with day trips to other island airports. KFHR airport is so cool, it’s an easy walk to EVERYTHING. Besides that, the good folks over there welcome and embrace all visiting pilots.

There are several great litle airports all within a 15min flight out of KFHR, Lopez, Roche Harbour, Orcas etc.

You may even want to head over to Anacortes, Arlington or Seattle. Always your choice, of course everyone will want to explore, see or do different things.

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NFC Members pay $2.25/litre

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Monthly ‘Fly-In’ Brunch

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NFC Truancy Squadron

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