NFC’s General Meeting April 21, 2013…. 

NFC General Meetings normally begin at ~09:30-09:40ish. That Sunday morning I arrived at early ~08:45. Wanted to get a parking spot near the entrydoor, cuz i had a bunch of junk to bring inside. Nojoy. No open spots, Nada. Bupkus. Nothing even remotely close. Spitfire Road was full up along the other side, and Venture’s lot… already half-full.  HUH?

I’m normally an early arrival to the monthly meetings. And I usually watch NFC types that regularly attend the monthly meetings wander in 1-2 at a time, but they’d already arrived and into their 2nd cup of coffee. NFC types that are normally absent at NFC general meetings, not only were those folks present, but also early… and for the next 30 minutes or so, more, more and yet more folks kept on streaming in 1-2-3 at a time. Most arrived by automobiles and some others flew in to attend, arriving aircraft quickly filled up the empty tie-downs one by one, then spilling over onto Venture’s airside lot.

A Bi-Annual Recurrancy Seminar was to take place after the meeting, so a good turnout was expected for that, but I don’t thing anyone saw this one coming. By 09:30 it seemed that they’d already gone through 15 or so coffee pots, with most folks milling around, chatting, waiting for the Executive Meeting to end, and the General Meeting to begin.

Why the whopping membership attendance? Aprils meeting agenda was unusual. It had one extraordinary item on it, one that attracted an extraordinary number of members to this particular meeting. It was the proposed aquisition of a NFC owned rental aircraft. 

When the NFC Executive finished their discussion, it was now SHOWTIME!  The meeting room filled up quickly, then became jamb-packed. Literally. Every chair in the house pulled out and occupied… folks standing in the wings, all patiently waiting for the usual housekeeping agenda items to be dealt with, all waiting for the rental aircraft discussion & vote.

This was an initiative, lead entirely by NFC’s VP Andrea Trepanier. Let’s look at the timeline:

NFC GM December 16, 2012: NFC VP proposes idea of a club owned aircraft. Members vote in favour of a survey to be conducted to gauge the level of membership interest.

January 9, 2013: An on-line survey was developed and sent out to entire NFC membership, using email addresses provided by NFC Treasurer George Irbe.

NFC GM January 20, 2013: Survey results are presented to the membership, they support purchase of a club owned aircraft. A motion made & carried to form a purchase committee, and to begin taking deposits to show tangible financial support for the aircraft purchase.

NFC GM February 17, 2013:  Update presented that a potential C-172 has been identified and Mike Taylor (Nanaimo Aircraft Maintenance) offered to perform a pre-buy inspection at no cost to the NFC. Aircraft administration/regulatory documentation was to be prepared, then upped for review on NFC website. Comments and questions are heard and discussed.

NFC GM March 17, 2013: Update presented that pre-buy was completed, a proposal to purchase would be presented at April’s GM. Comments and questions heard and discussed.

March 29, 2013: Proposed NFC aircraft cash flow projections and budget documentation is completed and upped to NFC website for membership review.

April 2, 2013: Offer to Purchase is signed, contingent on NFC membership approval.

April 18, 2013: For NFC members unable to attend the April general meeting, an on-line proxy voting form is created and linked on the NFC website.

April 18-20, 2013: A concerted effort to contact all NFC membership by both telephone and email is made to inform of the impending meeting agenda and on-line proxy form.

A great deal of effort was expended in membership awareness on this important agenda item which fulfills a legacy requirement of the NFC’s Charter.

It was worth every bit of effort for multiple reasons, also membership interest on this important agenda item resulted in a historic RECORD MEMBERSHIP TURNOUT at the NFC GM, on April 21, 2013.

Over half of the NFC Membership weighed in on this proposal. The vote wasn’t even close, it was a landslide.  (72 in favour – 12 against)  Nanaimo Flying Club members approved a motion to acquire a C-172, & make it available to all NFC membership, for recreational use.


Current 100LL Pricing


NFC Members pay $2.25/litre

Non-members pay $2.50/litre

Monthly ‘Fly-In’ Brunch

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NFC General Meetings

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NFC Truancy Squadron

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