Nanaimo Flying Club    -100LL avgas-

Note: The upgrading of the club fuel pumps means that fuel will NOT be available from the Nanaimo Flying Club pumps as of the evening of June 20th. The completion date for the upgrade is not yet known.

Fuel is available from the Enex facility on the main apron, and NFC members will get NFC member pricing on their fuel purchases.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.  -Airplane!

For decades, the NFC has been a consistent source of inexpensive 100LL avgas. The NFC continues to remain BC’s leader in keeping the cost of 100LL as affordable as possible.

Our fuel terminal kiosk accepts VISA & M/C, it’s located inside the clubhouse, which may be accessed by the usual ‘pilots’ code. Thank you!  We appreciate your business!

FuelWatch listings derived from COPA,, plus YOUR PIREPS. These help keep our fuel watch accurate. Notice an update needed? Please send update to: NFC Fuel Watch

Please consider membership in the NFC. 

Your support helps keep the cost of 100ll to a mininum, while providing 24/7 access to consistent, competitively priced avgas.

NFC Membership may save another $.03/litre, by taking advantage of and using a NFC 100LL Fuel Card.  

Eliminate the Credit Card Fees! Check it out, more details: here  ($1.45/litre)

Wherever you go?.…there you are!
(Buckaroo Bonsai)

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Current 100LL Pricing

Until further advised, 100LL fuel is available to NFC Members only. Fuel uplifts limited to 100 litres and during open hours only (0930 – 1200)

NFC Members pay $2.50/litre

NFC’s Fuel Watch Pireps

All pilots appreciate your help keeping our fuel watch listings accurate. Thank You!

 update fuel watch here