Nanaimo Flying Club News

Here are some fantastic aeriel photos taken by Cliff Finlay of the Duncan Flying Club.  Cliff says: “The Night Train Harvard is Harry Driver’s, the Yak is Marty Howse’s and Chris McLean in his RV 6.”  Enjoy!

This past Saturday was the first Saturday in November so of course it was Brunch Day.  Andrea Trepanier assisted by Al Brust, put on a great spread.  I don’t think anyone went away hungry —


Cetainly not Ron White!  And Ron’s wife Susan seems pleased as well.

Thanks Andrea!


Grant and Andrea


“A plane is as able to fly itself about as much as the modern operating room can perform an operation by itself.”  So says Patrick Smith in his excellent website: “Ask the Pilot.”

“I am not against the advance of technology. I’m against foolish extrapolations of it.”


To read his answer to the age-old question – do airplanes fly themselves?  … or will they one day?  Click Here…


Current 100LL Pricing

Until further advised, 100LL fuel is available to NFC Members only. Fuel uplifts limited to 100 litres and during open hours only (0930 – 1200)

NFC Members pay $2.50/litre

Monthly ‘Fly-In’ Brunch

Our "Inter Flying Club Brunch" held the 1st Saturday of each month, all pilots & guests are invited to join-in!        more...

NFC General Meetings

"3rd Sunday" of every month. COPA 'Flight 91' also meets at this time. Both are open to all pilots & Guests.     more...

NFC Clubhouse Events

We are social aviators and we regularly "organize" clubhouse and flying events.       more...

NFC Truancy Squadron

It's a nice day, you're thinking of skipping 'whatever is is' and go flying instead?       more...

NFC eNotifications

NFC news or announcements now available direct to you by email. Select your "choice" of which 'eNotifications' are sent.

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