This upcoming meeting will be critical for those who have strong feelings about gas — of the 100LL variety that is.  We will be reviewing the full report regarding our current fuel system and how we stand with respect to the new laws regarding fuel handling.529570_b5f6_625x1000

Don Crockett will be proposing a choice between four different options.  If we wish to continue selling fuel, Environmental Insurance is just one of the hurdles we’ll have to address.  Some quotes for this insurance come in at $12,000/year.  Apparently we only earned about half this much from fuel sales last year.  You do the math.

Another factor to consider is people-power. Properly maintaining and operating the fuel system requires several hours of volunteer effort each year.  Volunteer hours seem to be in dwindling supply around our club.  So, for those wishing to keep selling fuel please be prepared to deal with this topic.  It’s not good enough to say that “thay” should do something.  You is They.

Anyway, it promises to be an important meeting about the future shape of our club.

This Sunday, October 19 at 9 AM.

Current 100LL Pricing

Until further advised, 100LL fuel is available to NFC Members only. Fuel uplifts limited to 100 litres and during open hours only (0930 – 1200)

NFC Members pay $2.50/litre

Monthly ‘Fly-In’ Brunch

Our "Inter Flying Club Brunch" held the 1st Saturday of each month, all pilots & guests are invited to join-in!        more...

NFC General Meetings

"3rd Sunday" of every month. COPA 'Flight 91' also meets at this time. Both are open to all pilots & Guests.     more...

NFC Clubhouse Events

We are social aviators and we regularly "organize" clubhouse and flying events.       more...

NFC Truancy Squadron

It's a nice day, you're thinking of skipping 'whatever is is' and go flying instead?       more...

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